We seek the same path to God taught by His Son that is found in the New Testament. Believing that Jesus was the Christ, the fulfillment of God’s plan to bring salvation to man, we exist as a church to carry out the Savior’s work. Our mission centers around teaching God’s word to those interested in learning it and encouraging one another in our spiritual growth.
We seek to by-pass all the traditions that have been piled up in the name of Christ and cut through all the edits done to Christianity. We simply seek the lifestyle, worship, and work in which the first Christians were involved. By following the New Testament example we can know we are doing what God wants. This benefit both us and those we seek to serve.
Read the following scriptures for the basis of our purpose
Acts 2:40-47
Acts 11:19-30
Ephesians 4:1-16
Galatians 1:6-12